Manage groups¶
Who: JIMM controller admin
See also: Group
Preview an example workflow
# Create a group:
jimmctl auth group add A
# Verify that the group has been created successfully:
jimmctl auth group list
# Give the members of the group write access to test-model-1:
jimmctl auth relation add group-B#members writer model-test-ctl-1/test-model-1
# Rename the role to something more suitable:
jimmctl auth group rename model-writers
# Add users to the group:
jimmctl auth relation add [email protected] member group-A
jimmctl auth relation add [email protected] member group-B
# Verify that user Alice has indeed inherited the group's write access to test-model-1:
jimmctl auth relation check [email protected] writer model-test-ctl-1/test-model-1
# Create another group B and make members of group A also members of group B:
jimmctl auth relation add group-A#member member group-B
Add a group¶
To add a new group to your JIMM controller, use the auth group add
command followed by the name you want to assign to the group. For example:
jimmctl auth group add A
See more: jimmctl auth group add
View all the current groups¶
To view all the current groups, run the auth group list
command. For example:
jimmctl auth group list [options]
See more: jimmctl auth group list
Manage an entity’s relation to a group¶
See Manage relations.
Manage a group’s relation to an entity¶
See Manage relations.
Rename a group¶
To rename a group, run the auth group rename
command followed by the old name and the new name. For example:
jimmctl auth group rename TeamA TeamB
See more: jimmctl auth group rename
Remove a group¶
To remove a group from a JIMM controller, run the auth group remove
command followed by the name of the group. For example:
jimmctl auth group remove TeamB
See more: jimmctl auth group remove